
Aug 28, 2013

Smart Small Space Interior Design

The Living Cube

With the ‘Living Cube’ designer, entrepreneur, writer and artist Till Koenneker has created a unique solution for his apartment. Due to the lack of space, the room calls for an exceptional space saving resolution. He clearly thinks outside the box and has no fear of doing things a different and new way.
Since his new apartment offered only very little storage space he had to come up with something, that served as a storage, closet, shelf and gust bed – all at the same time. Together with his carpenter, Remo Zimmerli, he realized a minimalist cube – ‘The Living Cube’ that would hold his records, clothing and a mattress for guests. The basic idea was an integrated walk-in storage space and sleeping area. Koenneker says ‘Everything is possible, but restrictions are deadly’.

Via: ignant

Aug 19, 2013

NYC Loft Style by Diana Kellogg

The loft, the warehouse, the historic townhouse and industrial chic dreams by Diana Kellogg

Aug 6, 2013

The Beach Chalet by Studiomama

London-based designer recently revealed her newest project — the Beach Chalet. This 388 sq. ft. structure is small enough to fit on almost any beachfront but comes complete with a kitchen, bedroom, and porch —  It’s built from cedar and softwood, which gives it the look of high-end plywood.

Beautiful Glass Cabin by Nick and Lilah

In 2012, Nick Olson and Lilah Horwitz quit their jobs and set off to build a glass cabin in the mountains of West Virginia.
Nick is a photographer who specializes in tintypes taken with a camera he made himself. He currently works for a landscape company in Milwaukee designing one-of-a-kind objects and spends his off time travelling the country looking for adventure.
Lilah is a designer. She has made several clothing lines, each one coinciding with the city/place she inhabits. She currently sells her work in New York boutiques and also works for a landscaping company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.